Sunday, September 14, 2014

British Prime Minister David Cameron: 'Islam Is a Religion of Peace...'

Does anyone truly believe this anymore? That Islam is a "religion of peace"? That line, bandied about in the days following 9/11, even by President Bush, is proved wrong by the very practitioners of the faith, day in and day out.

The claim that "Islam is a religion of peace" is the Big Lie of our current era, designed to appease Muslims and their leftist enablers. At least George W. Bush was still willing to take the fight to the jihadis. At this point David Cameron's not even up for that, to say nothing of Barack "Red Lines" Obama.

Americans better just take care of their own and watch their backs. Nothing's stopping fanatical jihad at this point. I'll update if old Baracky changes his tune.

Watch Cameron at the video. Literally the first thing he says at the clip is how "Islam is a religion of peace."

Here: "David Cameron 'ISIS Have Planned And Continue to Plan Attacks Across Europe and In OUR Country!'"