Friday, November 14, 2014

Obama Looking to Cement His Legacy, Democrat Party Fortunes Be Damned

Those good old boys at the Old Gray Lady are always good for some pro-Obama framing.

In taking his administration farther to the left, ignoring the lessons of the Democrats' historic midterm shellacking, the president hopes to secure his progressive legacy. Meanwhile, this just opens up the political target on Hillary's back. Well, either Hillary or whichever unlucky Democrat bastard gets to carry the party's standard into 2016.

Americans want jobs, economic growth and rising wages. Instead, Obama's ramming down unlawful executive amnesty, bogus climate change agreements, and Internet "net neutrality." I'm sure that just bursts the cockles of economically stressed Americans across the country.

But hey, The One's smarter than everyone else, and NYT's all jiggy with it. Heh, as if we should be expecting something else.

See, "Obama’s Moves Defying Label of Lame Duck."